March 19, 2025
Wednesday 10:00 - 3:00
North Central Michigan College
in Petoskey MI
General Information
Admission and all services are FREE.
No pre-registration is required to attend.
In order to register for assistance programs during the event, agencies ask that you bring as much of the following information as you have available:
Picture ID
Social Security Number
Discharge Papers for Veterans (DD214)
Proof of Income
Medicaid or Private Insurance Info.
What is Project Connect?
Project Connect is a day of service for those in need in Charlevoix, and Emmet Counties. During this one day event 400 plus individuals will be connected with a range of health and human services provided by around 70 local non-profit agencies and other businesses. Free services are available in areas such as: Education & Employment, Food & Nutrition, Health & Wellness, Housing & Finance, Kids & Parenting, Veterans Affairs and other Social Services. Guests can also receive gifts of personal care items.
The idea behind the event is for people struggling to make ends meet, to have access to the services they need without the confusion, red tape, and waits that often characterize social services. And for those who don’t understand the complicated social services system, they can be directed to the agencies in our community who can assist them in meeting their needs.

Veterans Corner will return
We will feature a Veterans Corner again to help our Veterans, their dependents and survivors. Please encourage the Veterans you know to come to Project Connect where they can meet with Veteran Affairs Representatives as well as many other health and human services agencies.
Is your income
under $100,000
NMCAA provides FREE IRS-Certified Tax Preparation to help eligible community members file their taxes for FREE.
download the brochure above.
Need Help Getting To the Event
Greater Petoskey Area
Friendship Center of Emmet County will be providing free rides in the greater Petoskey area to those over 60 or anyone with a disability.
Call 231-348-3425
Charlevoix County
Charlevoix County Transit will be providing
free rides for Charlevoix County residents to NCMC for the event!
Call 231-582-6900​
Until We See You Again...
Check out some of these great resources!

Dial 211 to connect with expert, caring help. Every call is completely confidential.

Call 800-432-4121
Connecting adults, children and families to community resources. Call to get connected with a community health worker, registered nurse or social worker.